Archive for the ‘Benefit fraud’ Category

Four people have been charged linked to what is believe is a fraud resulting in over £5 million being stolen from public funds.

October 31, 2011

31/10/2011 12:11

HM Revenue & Customs

Pension scheme four charged

The former President of the Association of Taxation Technicians and three of his business associates who administered a pension scheme, have been charged with stealing £5million through a tax fraud targeting the pension industry.

The four – three men and a woman – were arrested last year in dawn raids carried out by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) investigating an alleged multi million pound fraud. The raids took place at residential and business premises in the West Midlands, Derby and Leicester.
Simon De Kayne, Assistant Director of Criminal Investigation for HMRC, said:
“Today four people have been charged linked to what we believe is a fraud resulting in over £5 million being stolen from public funds. We are committed to bringing such cases to the courts and depriving those involved of the proceeds of their crime.”

1. The defendants were charged with Conspiracy to Cheat the Revenue after being summonsed to appear at Birmingham Magistrates Court today, Monday, 31 October 2011. They have all been bailed until 9 November 2011 to appear at Birmingham Crown Court. The defendants are:
* Andrew Meeson, (DOB 10.06.61), former President of the Association of Taxation Technicians, of 12, George Street, Wolverhampton, West Midlands.
* Peter Spencer Bradley, (DOB 08.02.67), of The Forge, Springhill Lane, Lower Penn Wolverhampton, West Midlands,
* Alison Jayne Bradley, (29.01.65), of The Forge, Springhill Lane, Lower Penn, Wolverhampton, West Midlands.
* Steven Price (28.07.64) of Pine Tops, Pratts Lane, Mappleborough Green, Studley, West Midlands.
2. In conjunction with HMRC executing the search warrants last year The Pensions Regulator took action to suspend Tudor Capital Management Ltd from acting as trustees from pension trust schemes.

© Crown Copyright 2010

Parents could lose benefits unless they report that 16-year-olds are staying on in education (HMRC)

August 11, 2011

11/08/2011 09:20

HM Revenue & Customs

Parents could lose benefits unless they report that 16-year-olds are staying on in education

Parents with a teenager approaching 16 should let HMRC know if they are continuing in full time education so they continue to receive child benefit.

HMRC’s Director of Benefits and Credits, Steve Lamey, said:
“At this time of year, families decide whether a child will continue in education or training once they have seen their GCSE results.
“If their child is staying on full-time, they need to let us know the full details as soon as possible so that their child benefit doesn’t stop on 30 August.”
Parents of a child approaching 16 receive a reminder and form in the post from HMRC, asking them to provide HMRC with the following information:
* details of the course and qualification,
* its start and end dates,
* the name and address of the school or college.
Parents can also make the necessary changes online at or by phoning the Child Benefit Helpline on 0845 302 1444.

© Crown Copyright 2010

Tipton woman jailed in fake kids fraud (HMRC)

July 3, 2011

29/06/2011 13:51

HM Revenue & Customs

Tipton woman jailed in fake kids fraud

A mother of six from Tipton in the West Midlands, who swindled £62,000 in tax credits by fraudulently claiming for nine fictitious children has been jailed today following an investigation by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Kerry Melia first claimed tax credits for her then five children in 2005. In January 2007, she began adding fictitious children to her claim, claiming that she was their foster mother. She later unsuccessfully attempted to add another six non-existent children. In total, Melia lied about her circumstances to steal £62,243 during the fraud.
When HMRC officers searched Melia’s house for evidence of the fraud, they discovered exotic pets including a number of cockatiels, terrapins and a large snake, as well as dead mice in the freezer to feed the reptile.
David Gauke, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, said:
“The Government will not tolerate dishonest people stealing public money which pays for vital services. This sentence shows that those who think they can cheat the benefits system should think again. The extra £900m we have invested in HMRC will allow them to carry on the fight against benefit cheats and tax fraudsters.”
Kerry Melia had admitted tax credits fraud at a previous hearing. She was sentenced to 8 months in prison at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

© Crown Copyright 2010

Disability tax credits cheat jailed

May 23, 2011

23/05/2011 13:00

HM Revenue & Customs

Disability tax credits cheat jailed

A mother who faked her children’s disabilities to steal £112,000 in tax credits which she spent on tickets to see boy bands and stars of the X Factor was jailed for two years today.

Jayne McKnight, 45, from Wolverhampton, began claiming tax credits in 2003, stating that one of her four children was severely disabled. During the course of the fraud she increased this to three severely disabled children, and added a severely disabled and unemployed husband, whilst claiming she was working part-time for a temping agency. At the same time, McKnight claimed thousands of pounds in childcare and after-school club costs.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) investigators uncovered neither her children nor her husband were disabled. Mr McKnight was in fact employed by a local newspaper, and the temping agency where Jayne McKnight claimed to be employed had never heard of her. Finally, she had never even contacted any of the childcare providers she claimed tax credits for, and her children had never attended any after-school clubs.
David Gauke, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, said:
“The Government will not tolerate dishonest people stealing public money which pays for vital services. Those who think they can cheat the benefits system should think again. The extra £900m we have invested in HMRC allows them to step up the fight against benefit cheats and tax fraudsters.”

© Crown Copyright 2010